Finding More Indoors in Kansas City, KS

As the air turns crisp and our days of bright sunshine become shorter and shorter, it’s easy to want to put on our sweatpants and binge watch something on our streaming devices until spring thaw. Before you select your new eight season dramedy, here’s how you can still get out while keeping the fun indoors in Kansas City, KS…

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A Day to Blend the Old with the New

On a beautiful Fall morning, we headed off to see what the day held. We needed a caffeine fix to get us started. This made the decision of our first stop simple. We had seen a lot of social media buzz about a new coffee shop in the Strawberry Hill district. As we exited I-70 onto Central Avenue, we could already see the cars lining the street in front of Splitlog Coffee. ​…

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Historical Homes in Kansas City, KS

With no real majority of ethnicity, Kansas City, KS is a true melting pot of culture, and has been since its beginning! There are many museums and historical sites throughout the city that cover its fascinating history and tell the stories of the different ethnic groups that have made it what it is today. But there are three museums in particular that provide an even deeper look into the past…

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